What is Piles

"Piles Treatment Clinic"

Piles Treatment in Delhi

Piles Treatment Clinic is one of the best and top hospital for Piles Treatment in Delhi.Our specialist doctors have good success rate on painless treatment for piles. Our process is completely knife-less and with painless.

You can walk out of clinic after 1 to 2 hours of process and it won't disturb your daily activities.

Best Doctor for Piles Treatment available in our clinic for male & female patients.

Schedule an appointment with our specialist piles doctors for better treatment.

Piles Treatment Clinic

Piles are of Three types

1. Internal hemorrhoids are inside the anal canal and rectum and are not very painful.
2. External hemorrhoids are on the outer part of anus and can be extremely painful.
3. Prolapsed hemorrhoids grow from inside and bulge outside the anus. They can be pushed back inside.

What are the symptoms?

1. Blood in stools.
2. Pain while defecating
3.Mucus discharge while defecating
4.Painful hard lump in the anus
5.Itching sensation around the anus
6.Feeling of fullness in the bowels even after passing a stool

Causes of Piles

1. Chronic constipation
2. Lifting heavy weights
3. Straining when passing a stools
4. Mental Tension
5. Coughing and Vomiting
6. Eating a low fiber diet
7. Pregnancy induced hormone changes
8. Prostate problems in older men
9. Cancer or growth in pelvis or bowel region that puts pressure on the abdomen.
10. Obesity

Treatment types in piles

Piles treatment is required when blood vessels in the anus are enlarged, causing pain and discomfort. It is not easily manage. One must take care of their diet, exercise regularly and try not to strain while in the toilet.

Common methods of treatment via surgery are Injection or Sclerotherapy, Banding, Cauterization or Coagulation, and Surgery.

Sclerotherapy: A medicine is injected to make the hemorrhoid shrink. This effects grade 2 and 3 hemorrhoids and is a useful alternative to banding.

Banding: An elastic band is used around the base of the pile inside the anus, cutting off its blood supply. After a few days the hemorrhoids fall off. This can work for grade 2 and 3 hemorrhoids. Coagulation: Also referred to as infrared coagulation, it is used for grade 1 or 2 hemorrhoids. A device burns the hemorrhoid tissue.Piles are graded into four grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, depending on the size.

Grade 1: This requires only medication.

Grade 2: Nonsurgical management with IRC (Infra-Red Coagulation) and ultroid are USFDA approved daycare walk-in and walkout procedures. They pain less but require multiple sittings.

Grade 3 & 4: They require surgical treatment, which is best because piles disappear forever. The surgery is used for particularly large sized hemorrhoids when other procedures are not effective.

Hemorrhoidectomy The excess tissue is surgically removed, which causes bleeding. There are various methods of doing this. Methods may involve a combination of a local anesthetic and sedation, a spinal anesthetic or a general anesthetic. There is, however a risk of complications, which include difficulty in passing stools, as well urinary tract infections.

Hemorrhoid Stapling: This is used for third and fourth grade hemorrhoids. It is less painful when compared to hemorrhoidectomy. However, there is a greater risk of hemorrhoid recurrence and rectal prolapse with Hemorrhoid Stapling.

Talk With Piles Treatment Specialist

If you want to speak with our experts call us at +91 8272902912

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